Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8556
The AlfaCrux CubeSat mission description and early results
- article
- Teoría do sinal e comunicacións
ALMS1 regulates TGF-β signaling and morphology of primary cilia
- article
- Bioquímica, xenética e inmunoloxía
Equilibrium study, modeling and optimization of model drug adsorption process by sunflower seed shells
- article
- Enxeñaría química
Complex synergistic interactions among volatile and phenolic compounds underlie the effectiveness of allelopathic residues added to the soil for weed control
- article
- Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo
Últimas acciones que nos acercan más a un ambiente saludable
- article
- Bioloxía funcional e ciencias da saúde
Characterisation of commercial Li‐ion batteries using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
- article
- Enxeñaría química
- Enxeñaría dos materiais, mecánica aplicada e construción
Resistances to educational change: teachers’ perceptions
- article
- Didáctica, organización escolar e métodos de investigación
- Didácticas especiais
The Harsanyi paradox and the “right to talk” in bargaining among coalitions
- article
- Estatística e investigación operativa
A review of cooperative rules and their associated algorithms for minimum-cost spanning tree problems
- article
- Estatística e investigación operativa
Lobularia libyca: phytochemical profiling, antioxidant and antimicrobial activity using in vitro and In silico studies
- article
- Química analítica e alimentaria