Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Particle number-based trophic transfer of gold nanomaterials in an aquatic food chain
- article
- Bioloxía vexetal e ciencias do solo
Biogenic calcium phosphate from fish discards and by-products
- article
- Física aplicada
- Enxeñaría dos materiais, mecánica aplicada e construción
Effects of arachidonic acid metabolites on cardiovascular health and disease
- article
- Química analítica e alimentaria
By-products of agri-food industry as tannin-rich sources: a review of tannins’ biological activities and their potential for valorization
- article
- Química analítica e alimentaria
Toxicology of blister agents: is melatonin a potential therapeutic option?
- article
- Bioquímica, xenética e inmunoloxía
Relationships between structure and antioxidant capacity and activity of glycosylated flavonols
- article
- Química analítica e alimentaria