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dc.contributor.authorDa Rocha Álvarez, José María 
dc.contributor.authorRestucia, Diego
dc.contributor.authorTavares, Marina Mendes
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 98, 60-81 (2019)spa
dc.description.abstractWe study the impact of firing costs on aggregate total factor productivity (TFP) in a dynamic general-equilibrium framework where the evolution of establishment-level productivity is not invariant to the policy. Firing costs not only generate static factor misallocation, but also distort the selection of establishment's growth by size, contributing to larger aggregate TFP losses. Numerical experiments indicate that firing costs equivalent to 5 year's wages imply a reduction in TFP of more than 20%. Factor misallocation accounts for 20% of the productivity loss, whereas the remaining 80% arises from distorted selection in the productivity
dc.publisherJournal of Economic Dynamics and Controlspa
dc.titleFiring costs, misallocation, and aggregate productivityspa
dc.publisher.departamentoFundamentos da análise económica e historia e institucións espa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionECOSOT: Economía, Sociedade e Territoriospa
dc.subject.unesco5307.03 Modelos y Teorías del desarrollo Económicospa
dc.subject.unesco5307.04 Estudios de desarrollo económicospa
dc.subject.unesco5307.14 Teoría Macroeconómicaspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control|volume=98|journal_number=|start_pag=60|end_pag=81spa
dc.referencesFor helpful comments we thank participants at the Macroeconomics and Business CYCLE Conference in Santa Barbara and Universidade de Vigo. All remaining errors are our own. Restuccia gratefully ac- knowledges the financial support from the Canada Research Chairs program and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Mendes Tavares gratefully acknowledges the financial support of DIFD. Da Rocha gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Xunta de Galicia (ref. GRC2015/014).spa

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