Application of shark teeth–derived bioapatites as a bone substitute in veterinary orthopedics. Preliminary clinical trial in dogs and cats
Background: The autograft is still considered the gold standard for the treatment of
bone defects. However, given the significant morbidity of the donor site with which it
has been associated, alternative substitutes for bone grafts have been developed. In the
present study, a bone substitute composed of CaP biphasic bioceramics obtained from
shark teeth was used (BIOFAST-VET).
Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of a marine bioapatite
in the veterinary clinical field using it as a bone-grafting scaffold in dogs and cats.
Methods: The biomaterial was randomly distributed in 6 veterinary clinical centers
in Spain and was used in 24 cases (20 dogs and 4 cats) including 14 fractures, 9
arthrodesis, and 1 bone cyst. Grains between 500 and 2,000μm were used. Inclusion
and exclusion criteria were established. The time of consolidation and functional recovery
were quantitatively and qualitatively assessed. For this, a follow-up was carried out at 2,
4, 8, and 12 weeks, included radiographic images, physical examination and sharing the
feedback with the owners.
Results: Nineteen cases completed the study (18 dogs and 1 cat; 11 fractures, 7
arthrodesis, and 1 bone cyst). The remaining five were excluded because they did not
complete the radiographic follow-up (three cats and two dogs), being three arthrodesis
and two fractures. In 18 of 19 cases, the use of the biomaterial was successful; the
remaining one failed due to causes not related to the biomaterial. There were no systemic
or local adverse reactions. Eighteen patients had a good functional recovery. The average
consolidation time was 5.94 weeks in dogs with fractures and arthrodesis, not finding
statistically significant differences between sex, weight, and procedure.
Conclusions: This biomaterial is presented as a very suitable candidate for orthopedic
surgery in the veterinary field. Preliminary results showed that its use reduces
consolidation time in dogs with fractures and arthrodesis. In addition, no adverse
systemic or local reactions have been observed derived from its use.