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dc.contributor.authorMaceiras Garcia, Maria Lourdes 
dc.contributor.authorMacz, L.
dc.contributor.authorDuncan Barlow, Karen Joan
dc.identifier.citationInformedica Journal, 1(2): 1-7 (2002)spa
dc.descriptionInformedica 2002: Preparando el Camino para la e-Salud Globlal / 2nd Iberoamerican Virtual Congress of Medical Informatics, nov. 4-nov. 30, 2002, Washington (Internet)
dc.description.abstractObjective: To analyse the electronically published medical journals which Health Studiesí students have access to. Methods: Cross-sectional study. In September 2002, we carried out a study of the medical journals which were electronically available from the libraries of Vigo University, Santiago de Compostela University, and the C.H.U.S. Results: 384 internet-available medical journals were found. 51 (13,3%) were published in Spanish, 330 (85,9%) in English, 2 (0,52%) in French, and one (0,3%) in Portuguese. All of them provided an index, 365 (95,1%) an abstract, 68 (17,7%) the full text, and 71 (18,5%).when subscribed to. Conclusions: We find it striking that in Internet, more than 80% of English-written medical journals do not provide the full text, neither via free access, nor via subscription, whilst in Spanish there is a 50% distribution. It is also striking that the Spanish subscribed medical journals which provide the whole text are more than twice the English medical
dc.publisherInformedica Journalspa
dc.titleRevistas electrónicas manejadas por el alumnado de ciencias de la salud de las universidades de Vigo y Santiago de Compostela (España)spa
dc.publisher.departamentoBioloxía funcional e ciencias da saúdespa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionMedicina e Saúde Públicaspa
dc.subject.unesco3212 Salud Publicaspa

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