Recursos para trabajar en los centros escolares de Educación para la Salud en relación con la paz
UNESCO SUBJECT: 3212 Salud Publica
Objective: To find out the amount and type of materials available in the Galician school libraries which may contribute to health education and peace formation; the use made of this material and of the libraries. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study through electronic mail survey. Results: The issues are dealt with in a parallel frequency. The highest percentages corresponds to the "human rights" texts (84.1%) and the lowest to that of ëdifferences, racism, sexism, xenophobia (70.5%). In between are "multiculturality" (77.3%), solidarity (75&) and "peace-war" (75%). In 50% of the school libraries activities related to education for peace within children and adolescentís literatures were carried out. Among the obstacles which exist because the amount of books and other materials is insufficient, the lack of human resources is the most important. Conclusions: Childrenís and adolescentís literature is an essential resource in the accomplishment of Health and Peace Education. Classroom libraries only exist in schools for 5 to 12 year-olds, which makes book access difficult for children above those ages. The fact that 40.9% of the schools include activities of this type in their general programming reveals the importance that these issues are increasingly achieving, and one gradually becoming transversal axles guidelines within education.