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dc.contributor.authorDíaz Vilariño, Lucía 
dc.contributor.authorFrías Nores, Ernesto 
dc.contributor.authorBalado Frías, Jesús 
dc.contributor.authorGonzález Jorge, Higinio
dc.identifier.citationISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLII-4(4): 143-148 (2018)spa
dc.description.abstractAbstract. Scan-to-BIM systems have been recently proposed for the dimensional and quality assessment of as-built construction components with planned works. The procedure is generally based on the geometric alignment and comparison of as-built laser scans with as-designed BIM models. A major concern in Scan-to-BIM procedures is point cloud quality in terms of data completeness and consequently, the scanning process should be designed in order to obtain a full coverage of the scene while avoiding major occlusions. This work proposes a method to optimize the number and scan positions for Scan-to-BIM procedures following stop & go scanning. The method is based on a visibility analysis using a ray-tracing algorithm. In addition, the optimal route between scan positions is formulated as a travelling salesman problem and solved using a suboptimal ant colony optimization algorithm. The distribution of candidate positions follows a grid-based structure, although other distributions based on triangulation or tessellation can be implemented to reduce the number of candidate positions and processing
dc.description.sponsorshipXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED481B 2016/079-0spa
dc.description.sponsorshipXunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2016- 038spa
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. TIN2016-77158- C4-2-Rspa
dc.description.sponsorshipMinisterio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad | Ref. RTC-2016-5257-7spa
dc.publisherISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciencesspa
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016/TIN2016-77158-C4-2-R/ES
dc.relationinfo:eu-repo/grantAgreement/MINECO/Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016/RTC-2016-5257-7/ES
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleScan planning and route optimization for control of execution of as-designed BIMen
dc.publisher.departamentoDeseño na enxeñaríaspa
dc.publisher.departamentoEnxeñaría dos recursos naturais e medio ambientespa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionXeotecnoloxías Aplicadasspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionGrupo de Ingeniería Físicaspa
dc.subject.unesco3305.22 Metrología de la Edificaciónspa
dc.subject.unesco3311.02 Ingeniería de Controlspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences|volume=XLII-4|journal_number=4|start_pag=143|end_pag=148spa

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