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dc.contributor.authorMujeeb, Amtul
dc.contributor.authorAbideen, Zainul
dc.contributor.authorAziz, Irfan
dc.contributor.authorSharif, Nadia
dc.contributor.authorHussain , Muhammad Iftikhar 
dc.contributor.authorQureshi, Asad Sarwar
dc.contributor.authorYang, Hsi-Hsien
dc.identifier.citationPlants, 12(3): 598 (2023)spa
dc.description.abstractPlants in coastal ecosystems are primarily known as natural sinks of trace metals and their importance for phytoremediation is well established. Salvadora persica L., a medicinally important woody crop of marginal coasts, was evaluated for the accumulation of metal pollutants (viz. Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb, Zn, and Cr) from three coastal areas of Karachi on a seasonal basis. Korangi creek, being the most polluted site, had higher heavy metals (HM’s) in soil (Fe up to 17,389, Mn: 268, Zn: 105, Cu: 23, Pb: 64.7 and Cr up to 35.9 mg kg−1) and S. persica accumulated most of the metals with >1 TF (translocation factor), yet none of them exceeded standard permissible ranges except for Pb (up to 3.1 in roots and 3.37 mg kg−1 in leaves with TF = 11.7). Seasonal data suggested that higher salinity in Clifton and Korangi creeks during pre- and post-monsoon summers resulted in lower leaf water (ΨWo) and osmotic potential at full turgor (ΨSo) and bulk elasticity (ε), higher leaf Na+ and Pb but lower extractable concentrations of other toxic metals (Cr, Cu, and Zn) in S. persica. Variation in metal accumulation may be linked to metal speciation via specific transporters and leaf water relation dynamics. Our results suggested that S. persica could be grown on Zn, Cr and Cu polluted soils but not on Pb affected soils as its leaves accumulated higher concentrations than the proposed limits.en
dc.description.sponsorshipHigher Education Commission, Islamabad | Ref. 6592/Sindh/NRPU/R&D/HEC/2015spa
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titlePhytoremediation of potentially toxic elements from contaminated saline soils using Salvadora persica L.: seasonal evaluationen
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionAgrobioloxía Ambiental: Calidade, Solos e Plantasspa
dc.subject.unesco2511 Ciencias del Suelo (Edafología)spa
dc.subject.unesco2417.13 Ecología Vegetalspa
dc.subject.unesco2511.04 Química de Suelosspa

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