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dc.contributor.authorAlonso Martinez, Laura 
dc.contributor.authorPicos Martín, Juan 
dc.contributor.authorArmesto González, Julia
dc.identifier.citationISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2022, 819-825 (2022)spa
dc.description.abstractRecent advances in remote sensing technologies have allowed the development of new innovative methodologies to obtain geospatial information about Eucalyptus genus distribution. This is an important task for forest stakeholders due to the high presence of this genus in forest plantations worldwide. Therefore, the next step in research should focus on exploring remote sensing possibilities to discern between Eucalytpus species. It would be an important step forward in forest management since different Eucalyptus species present different characteristics and properties that imply different management plans and industrial usages. This study accomplish the classification of E. nitens and E. globulus, the most common Eucalyptus species in the Iberian Peninsula. Worldview-3 images and random forest are used in a forest area placed in Galicia (Northwest of Spain). The differentiation of Eucalyptus species resulted in a producer’s accuracy of 84% and a users’ accuracy of 70% for E. nitens, while for E. globulus accuracy metrics did not reach 70%. The most important bands in the classification were the coastal blue and the blue, followed by the red related ones. The resulting unequal accuracy metrics might be caused by an imbalanced presence of both species in the selected study area. Therefore, further studies might be developed in different locations.en
dc.publisherISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciencesspa
dc.rightsAttribution 4.0 International
dc.titleMapping eucalyptus species using worldview 3 and random foresten
dc.publisher.departamentoEnxeñaría dos recursos naturais e medio ambientespa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionEnxeñería Agroforestalspa
dc.publisher.grupoinvestigacionXestión Segura e Sostible de Recursos Mineraisspa
dc.subject.unesco3106 Ciencia Forestalspa
dc.subject.unesco3106.08 Silviculturaspa
dc.subject.unesco3311.02 Ingeniería de Controlspa
dc.computerCitationpub_title=ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences|volume=XLIII-B3-2022|journal_number=|start_pag=819|end_pag=825spa

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