Evidencias y pruebas significativas sobre la degradación subaérea en formas menores graníticas: análisis de casos
UNIVERSAL IDENTIFIER: http://hdl.handle.net/11093/4968
EDITED VERSION: https://revistas.udc.es/index.php/CADLAXE
UNESCO SUBJECT: 54 Geografía
This paper deals with a whole significant questions on the subaerial evolution stage in the granitic minor forms, starting from several gnammas database. First, the ratio depth values (maximum/minimum) are inspect at their theoretical interpretation, related to the expected exposure time for the cavity; the following analysis test differential thresholds in order to establish development patterns, outcome from multivariate statistical techniques application on varied geomorphic environments. The results discussion and derived explanation show that gnamma degradative process is contemporary to the agradative process in epigenic conditions; the present observations variety is associated to special nature and temporary change of the different mechanism regulator components (lithology, morphometry, denudation magnitude, geomorphological evolution and microtopography).