RT conferenceObject T1 Twice simulated annealing resource allocation for mmWave multi-hop networks with interference A1 Gómez Cuba, Felipe A1 Zorzi, Michele A2 IEEE K1 325 Tecnología de las Telecomunicaciones AB This paper proposes link scheduling and power allocation algorithms for mmWave picocellular integrated access and backhaul networks. The proposed algorithm does not assume that interference is negligible and takes it into account in the solution. The algorithm supports any state of the art multi-user MIMO and hybrid beamforming schemes at the physical layer. The link scheduling and power allocation subproblems are solved using two separate simulated annealing (SA) algorithms which can also be individually combined with other pre-existing suboptimal algorithms for the other subproblem. Particularly, mixed-integer linear programming for fixed power link scheduling, which is optimal in a special interference-free case, is shown to perform much worse than the proposed algorithm. SA link scheduling with water-filling power allocation performs close to the optimal, while reducing power allocation complexity. SN 9781728150895 YR 2020 FD 2020 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2326 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/2326 LA eng DS Investigo RD 12-feb-2025