RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Phytotoxic effect of allelochemicals, herbicides and Acacia melanoxylon R. Br. on physiological processes in four plant species A1 Hussain, Muhammad Iftikhar K1 2417.19 FisiologĂ­a Vegetal AB Plants may favorably or adverseley affect other plants trough alleclochemicals which may be released directly or indirectly into surrounding environment. Acacia melanoxiylon R. Br. is an invader in Galician forests with well-documented allelpathic tendencies that have generallly been ascribed to its most abundant secondary metabolites present in flowers an phyllodes. Laboratory bioassays were conducted to test allelopathic potential of aqueous extract of A. melanoxilan flowers and phyllodes on germination, seedling growth and radicle length of native species. Inhibition of seed germination of plant species showed a species-spedific and dose-dependent response with highest inhibition occurring at concentration of 100% flowers.... YR 2011 FD 2011-02-17 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/286 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/286 LA eng DS Investigo RD 19-ene-2025