RT Journal Article T1 Grid current control for active-front-end electric propulsion systems in AC ship microgrids A1 Pérez Estévez, Diego A1 Doval Gandoy, Jesús A1 Crego Lourido, Alberto K1 3307 Tecnología Electrónica AB This article proposes a finite control set (FCS)current controller for grid-tied converters, specifically tailoredto meet the characteristics of ac ship microgrids in all-electricships (AESs). Contrary to a pulsewidth modulator (PWM)-based design, which often employs an LCL filter, the proposalis able to meet applicable harmonic regulations using an Lfilter with the same total inductance as the LCL filter and thesame switching frequency required by PWM-based solutions.Moreover, the proposed design provides a low sensitivity in awide frequency range from dc to the switching frequency of thepower converter. This low sensitivity permits to quickly attenuatelow-order disturbances and it is particularly convenient in marineapplications with a weak grid, where the frequent connection anddisconnection of high power nonlinear loads can significantlyaffect the voltage waveform quality PB IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics SN 21686777 YR 2023 FD 2023-04 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7183 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7183 LA eng NO IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 11(2): 1370-1384 (2023) NO Xunta de Galicia | Ref. GPC-ED431B 2020/03 DS Investigo RD 20-sep-2024