RT Book, Section T1 El intérprete misionero al servicio de las órdenes religiosas durante la colonización del Alto Perú A1 Ferreiro Vázquez, Óscar A2 Peter Lang K1 5506.92 Historia de Los descubrimientos y Colonización de América K1 5701.12 Traducción K1 5506 Historias Por Especialidades AB In this chapter, we will introduce an agent who took part actively in the spiritual conquestof the original peoples during the colonization of the territory of Upper Peru,The Yanakuna missionary interpreter. First of all, we will focus on the description of thecorpus we dealt with to rescue this figure. Next, we will describe his participation in thecolonization as a result of the confluence ofthe language policies of the civil powers andthe religious orders. Finally, we will portray his function within the hierarchy of the colonial authorities SN 9783631759196 YR 2018 FD 2018 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7218 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/7218 LA spa NO En Bueno García, Antonio (Ed.) Revelación y traducción en la Orden de Predicadores (345-364) DS Investigo RD 21-sep-2024