RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Neural regulation of bone mineral homeostasis : new insights from fish T2 Regulación neural de la homeostasis mineral del hueso : nuevas perspectivas de peces A1 Suarez Bregua, Paula K1 2415.02 Biología Molecular de Plantas K1 2409.02 Ingeniería Genética K1 2510 Oceanografía AB Diseases and malformations are ones of the major hurdles for the developing aquaculture industry. Thus, despite the improved methodologies for farming of marine and fresh water fish species, egg and larval viability in some species is still very low as a consequence of a high incidence of dystrophies. Often skeletal pathologies may be a combination of several deformities, however, neck, vertebral, and spinal disorders are most prevalent. Many times the dystrophies are not immediately apparent (or detected) leading to wasteful use of food, energy, space and human resources until dystrophic fish are graded and removed. Previous studies suggest that malformations are induced in early stages during the embryonic and larval periods of life, although the causes and mechanisms responsible are not well understood. It has been proposed that alteration of skeletal development is probably a result of complex interactions between genetic, nutritional and environmental factors. Currently, there is scanty information about the development and metabolism of bone in fish species. Specifically, we will focus on Pth4 (PTHL, parathyroid hormone like), a discovered member of PTH family of peptides that are known to play critical roles in phosphate and calcium homeostasis and bone development in human and other vertebrates. Most studies have tried to provide insights about peptide-receptor interaction for several ligands from the PTH family to understand and treat disorders of bone and mineral metabolism. Pth4 (PTHL) gene was identified and isolated for the first time in the teleost Takifugu rubripes and then in other vertebrates like Xenopus and chicken, with the exception of placental mammals. We aim to characterize the function of Pth4 (PTHL) and its genetic regulation as a possible gene involved on the skeletal development in zebrafish. YR 2017 FD 2017-08-09 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/799 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/799 LA eng NO Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España DS Investigo RD 10-sep-2024