RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Differences in warming trends between coastal upwelling areas and the adjacent ocean A1 Santos González, Francisco José K1 2501.06 Dinámica Atmosférica K1 2509.17 Meteorología Sinóptica K1 2502.02 Climatología Aplicada K1 2509.19 Análisis del Tiempo AB The SST variability observed during the last century both at coastal andocean locations will be analyzed in terms of upwelling and the thermohalinecirculation intensity. Then, the differences in the variability of temperatureand heat content between coastal and ocean locations will be analyzed forthe upper 700 m from 1975 to 2006 providing information about the verticalstructure of temperature changes. As far as we know a similar analysishas never been done before in this area, where only SST patterns had beenconsidered. Changes in the water masses more relevant along the Atlanticcontinental shelf of the Iberian Peninsula (ENACW and MW) will be alsoanalyzed from seventies on. For this purpose, trends in salinity and temperaturecorresponding to the ENACW and MW isopycnal will be analyzed todetermine the rate of change of ENACW and MW. This analysis will allowknowing the influence of water masses in trends of Atlantic water verticalprofiles. The study of ocean warming in this region will continue analyzingthe existence of trends in the frequency of extreme hot days over the satelliteera (1982-2011). More specifially, the differences between ocean andcoastal trends will be analyzed both at seasonal and annual scale.Similar studies will be extended first to the Moroccan sub- region of theCanary Upwelling Ecosystem and then along the Benguela Current System.Both regions characterized by persistent upwelling through the yearalthough with seasonal variations. In the Moroccan sub- region of the CanaryUpwelling Ecosystem, regional differences in the SST warming ratesbetween coast and ocean locations at the same latitude will be analyzed interms of local forcing factors like wind and air temperature and remote forcingfactors like atmospheric circulation patterns from 1982 to 2010. Finally,the differences in coastal and ocean SST trends will be studied along theBenguela Current System analyzing the key role played by the persistentcoastal upwelling.New research, which will constitute a continuation of the analysis carried out in this manuscript, should be addressed to analyze the differencesobserved in temperature and salinity trends at coastal and ocean locationsin other upwelling regions like the California Current System, Peru, theSomalia coast or the western coast of Australia taking into account remote(atmospheric modes, ocean circulations) and local (wind, upwelling) forcingfactors. YR 2013 FD 2013-06-17 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/93 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/93 LA eng DS Investigo RD 20-sep-2024