RT Dissertation/Thesis T1 Ecology of cephalopod paralarvae in a seasonal upwelling system T2 Ecología de paralarvas de cefalópodos en un sistema de afloramiento estacional A1 Olmos Pérez, Carmen Lorena K1 2401.06 Ecología Animal K1 2510.01 Oceanografía Biológica K1 2510 Oceanografía AB Impact of atmospheric and oceanic parameters on the abundance, distribution and trophic ecology of cephalopod paralarvae in a seasonal upwelling system. A multinet will be employed for the first time in the oceanographic campaign. This will provide accurate data on the exact location of the paralarvae in the water column, and consequently will allow to better understand how cephalopod paralarvae react to different physical forcing and coupling within zooplankton communities.Loliginids and Octopus paralarvae trophic ecology will be determinate using molecular techniques, providing and identification and quantification of the preys ingested. Furthermore, the intake of parasites in these early stages will be investigated. This knowledge may have direct application in the field of aquaculture.The last aim of this PhD thesis is to develop guidelines for the accurate identification of sepiolids and loliginids paralarvae by morphological characters. YR 2018 FD 2018-03-12 LK http://hdl.handle.net/11093/960 UL http://hdl.handle.net/11093/960 LA eng DS Investigo RD 09-feb-2025